HBCU Con Policies


  1. All Prop Weapons will need to be approved by weapons check upon entering the venue. Approved weapons will be marked with a zip-tie.
  2. No sharp points or sharp blades on weapons/props. (Swords, Knives, Axes, etc) and Live-Steel weapons are not allowed.
  3. You may possess projectile-firing weapons if they have been permanently and substantially disabled.
  4. Prop guns should not look realistic – please mark and seal the tips with orange tape or paint.
  5. Be considerate of other attendees. Do not swing weapons and props around. If you are carrying a large prop, please be aware of your surroundings to avoid hitting people or equipment.
  6. If it is illegal outside the venue, it is illegal inside the venue. Do not bring it.
  7. Items Purchased on-site: Attendees who purchase imitation or replica weapon such as metal movie swords or knives from the Vendors/Exhibitors Hall must not remove items from their original packaging until they have been secured away from the convention grounds. We suggest taking them to your vehicle and safely securing them and then returning to the event.

Mask Policy And Safety Requirements

Everything is tentative and subject to change based on the latest science and CDC guidelines. Updates may be made at any time.

Last updated: September 21, 2021

All participants are required to show proof of vaccination OR a negative COVID-19 test from no more than 3 days before the day you pick up your badge. This will be a requirement to pick up your badge. If you have your vaccine information verified by CLEAR, Common Pass, or Excelsior Pass, that will be accepted (and is recommended to speed along the registration process). If you have another vaccine verification app, please email us at [email protected] so we can verify that will work.

If you purchased an early start, we will send you an email where you will be able to upload your vaccination information. If you prefer to provide a negative test or check-in in person, your mailing cost will be refunded to you.

All participants are required to wear masks. Hotel staff, convention staff, HBCUCON directors and crew, vendors, artists, exhibitors, and any human over the age of 2 must have a mask on at all times (with the exception of eating or drinking). This policy will be strictly enforced. There may be specific locations for the consumption of drinks/food. Please note, that you cannot take off your mask for photos unless you are outside.

Masks must:

  • Fully cover both your mouth and nose. If you do not have a nose, this also includes beaks, trunks, nostril slits, or snouts.
  • Be made with at least 2 layers of breathable material. This does not include mesh.
  • Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
  • Be secured with ties or ear loops and allow you to remain hands-free

Masks must not

  • be neck gaiters, t-shirts pulled up over your face, bandanas, or scarves – CDC guidance says these do not do an adequate job of blocking particles
  • have a release valve – valves expel your exhaled air and thus are not useful in stopping the spread of COVID-19
  • have holes or be made of mesh, tulle, screen material, organza, etc.

If you are unsure if your mask qualifies under this policy, it probably doesn’t, but you can send a picture to [email protected] to be sure.

If you’ve somehow managed to go a year and a half without a mask and need one, we will have disposable masks available at the door for $1. We will also have custom reusable HBCUCON masks available for sale at the HBCUCON store. Pricing TBA.

Additional Details & Protocols

  • To minimize risk, eating and drinking may be restricted to certain areas. If that is the case, signage will mark where you can and cannot eat
  • To assist with those who may be hard of hearing, panelists will be provided face shields while on stage. While presenting, they may remove their masks but must wear the face shield.
  • Microphones/face shields will be wiped down between uses
  • Hand sanitizer stands will be available throughout the HBCUCON Assigned Area for attendees.
  • To account for Social Distancing, wider aisles have been planned. Social Distancing of 6ft throughout is highly encouraged. Wherever you can, please leave distance between yourself and others, and minimize physical contact like hugs, handshakes, and high fives while interacting with others. 
  • Please do not attend if you are experiencing any COVID-19 (or any other illness!) symptoms.
  • If you begin feeling unwell while at the convention, please head to the Assigned Medical Area so they can check you out and determine if you need to leave or not. Based on the situation, we will offer discounts/credits for a future year.
  • Wash your hands frequently/shower/etc
  • Bear in mind that guests will have varying levels of comfort with human contact. We will do our best to communicate ahead of time what each guest’s requests are. They may change their preferences during the convention to be more or less restrictive. Please be patient and understanding so that the guest will feel comfortable and want to come back in future years!
  • If you are feeling unwell at the time of the convention, STAY HOME and then email us at [email protected]. We are happy to roll your membership over to next year.

HBCU Con is a community celebrating and bridging the gap between Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Black geeks-at-large.

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